Stadia, Attractions & Fairs

Stadia, Attractions & Fairs

Operators of Stadia, Attraction & Fairs, have to keep many things in motion: guaranteeing safety, processing high visitor numbers in a short amount of time, staying flexible and keeping an eye on costs. Using flexible visitor management, you can set the right impulses at the right time.

Hinditron, through its joint venture, SKIDATA India, provides access readers and turnstiles. In the case of a sudden rush of visitors, you can easily expand your access system with mobile SKIDATA ticket control devices. In this way, you can react flexibly and in a targeted manner whatever the circumstances. And you can achieve even more: offer convenient, hands-free access with various data carriers and integrate ticketing systems from around the world with ease.

SKIDATA also provides important data at the touch of a button and helps you to optimally manage streams of visitors, as well as with the subsequent stream of visitors analysis. So you can plan in advance with confidence and act quickly and profitably. You can also develop your range of services in many ways: manage reservations, provide parking spaces, organize access and enable customers to pay cash-free. And with the smart integration of CRM systems, you can create the perfect starting position to delight customers and streamline your processes. The path to enjoyment has never been this easy - for your guests and for you!

2012 SKIDATA won the Stadium Business Award in the category "Industry Supplier Award" and the World Stadium Award in the category “Most innovative use of technology in stadium design - National Stadium Warsaw”.